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Inner Compass Academy

Inspiring conscious change makers to reconnect to their inner compass so they can HEAL, THRIVE + FEEL ALIVE.


hi there, I'm Kristin Pierce.

There was a time not too long ago when I ran on 'shoulds', logic, and iron-clad willpower as I forged forward and stuck to the logical plan I had laid out for my life. While it may have looked productive and ambitious from the outside, I was completely disconnected from my inner self.


Before long, I found myself sick, unfulfilled, and unsure of what I wanted when I wasn't forcing myself to live up to the expectations I assumed others had for me.


(Maybe you're experiencing this, too?)

I was granted a wake-up call of epic proportions that stopped me in my tracks and forced me to open up my mind to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

That wake-up call was cancer.

It shook me to my core and changed everything for the better. 

I was introduced to a new perspective that I so dearly needed which became the mental update that shifted my entire way of thinking and 

reconnected me to my inner compass.

We are all running on unconscious mental programs that are outdated + misaligned with our inner truth + who we want to become.


In order to create real, aligned change, we must reassess and update our mental programming to be in alignment with what we desire, whom we want to become, what we want to create, and where we want to go.


We need to reconnect with our inner compass.


At Inner Compass Academy, that is exactly what we do. 

Here at Inner Compass Academy,.I help to empower courageous humans to  reconnect to their inner compass so they can HEAL, THRIVE + FEEL ALIVE.

It's time to do something different if you want to FEEL differently. 

You already hold the keys... 


Are you ready to take the wheel?

You're here to get reconnected with your inner self, understand the messages from your body, and feel better in mind, body, and soul to reignite your passion again.

You are ready to unload the emotional baggage and stress you've accumulated, calm the chaos in your mind, and heal the mental programming you learned along the way that has not serving you for a long time.


Let's peel back the layers.


I've got your back. 

Get started

It's time to make it happen...


Healing Therapies

MindScape Seminars

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs.

Ask yourself what makes you come alive.

And then go do it. 

Because the world needs more people who have come alive."

-Howard Thurman


On the Blog


"I love working with Kristin. She's incredible! Her studio in Warman is amazing, it's so nice and comforting to visit. I first started seeing her for massage and BodyTalk, and have recently taken the Mindscape course through her. She's really helped me to expand and grow over the last few years."

- Kara Davis,

Enviromental Scientist & BodyTalk Practitioner


"After meeting Kristin at her Mindscape course in Ottawa, I embarked on a series of distance BodyTalk treatments. The combination of practicing Mindscape and having treatments is quite powerful. I am starting to see my life so much more vividly - and I'm amazed at how I can explore to expand the confines of my own mind! Mindscape and BodyTalk have been the most intense and amazing journey."

-Andrea Wood,

Marketing Consultant


"I have been working with Kristin for a few years now, and she does such a great job explaining what she is interpreting to help you understand yourself. I have seen some amazing results. I used to suffer from panic attacks and its been over a year and a half now since I have had one.  Anytime that I am in need, she is there willing to help me out! I have had her work on my children and I have seen great results with them as well. Thanks so much for doing such an amazing job!"


-Lacey Nedjelski,

Doula & Sisterhood Leader

Are you ready to dive in?

Break the Mold

You're here and you're ready for change.

You're itching to know more.

You're ready to tap into your potential to craft the life of your dreams.

It's time to Break the Mold of your limiting beliefs. 

Your future is in the palm of your hands.

Courses for inspired individuals

who are READY to create conscious change.


Follow along on Facebook & Instagram

@ InnerCompassAcademy

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