Have Your Cake AND Eat It Too.
When my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I replied without hesitation, “a weekend away by myself.” So that’s what I got....
Never in a Million Years...
Never in a million years did I even remotely dream that I would be writing children’s books. Seriously, it just wasn’t even on my radar. ...
Shackled {poem}
I am shackled by my judgments; My beliefs that are running show; My opinions that I think are truths Are disabling me to grow. I am...
Evolve Wildly into You {poem}
Open your mind. Stretch your comfort zone. Follow your passion, Feel it in your bones. Explore your heart. Dive into your mind. ...
Let Fall Away {poem}
Let fall away: Old beliefs that no longer serve you Heaviness that weighs on your heart. Resistance to living your truth. Loosen...
Let Go {poem}
You tippy toe To the edge of possibility. You curl your toes over the cliff, Hoping to catch a glimpse Of your dreams. Thinking,...
Ignite Your Intuition
If you follow me (Inner Compass Academy) on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll see this phrase quite often. But, what does it really mean? ...
What Would You Do If Nothing Stood In Your Way?
What are your goals, your dreams, your deepest desires? What do you want to change in your life? What would you do if nothing stood in...
You Are An Onion {poem}
You are an Onion. You are made up of layers. Built up over time-- Your own personal purveyor Of beliefs and experiences, Memories...
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." This is one of my favorite quotes. There is so much depth to it. It...